The Zen of Python
The Zen of Python is considered to be an important part of Python culture which is a hidden joke, that appears if you run import this in a Python interpreter, and the document will be printed to the console.
The Zen of Python is considered to be an important part of Python culture which is a hidden joke, that appears if you run import this in a Python interpreter, and the document will be printed to the console.
Installing Python is a straightforward process, here are the steps: A program called pip is a package installer for python, and you can use it to install Jupyter Notebook which is used to view most of the exercise files. To install pip, follow these steps: To install Jupyter Notebook using pip, here are the steps:
Installing Python, pip and Jupyter Notebook on Mac Read More »
You will use the Firebase built-in DebugView to debug and validate Analytics implementation and events for mobile app. DebugView enables you to see the raw event data logged as they occur in your app in near real-time. This can help you discover errors and mistakes in our Analytics implementation and verify whether all events and user
How to validate Analytics implementation for Android & iOS app in Firebase ? Read More »
Substrate is a Software Development Kit(SDK) designed to be modular, flexible, and highly customizable, allowing us to build our own blockchain applications within 15 mins. It provides us with all of the fundamental components a blockchain requires so we can just focus on crafting the logic that makes us chain unique and innovative. All of
Why do we need to learn Substrate? Read More »
Let’s start off with the basics, before we jump into the process, we need to understand the concept of private key and public key that are used to provide secure access to a user’s digital assets and to authenticate transactions on the network. A private key is a secret code that is used to sign
How does blockchain work? Read More »